tongues on the terrace


I woke up
Reeling in your scent
That stuck to my skin like
Humid sleepless nights

Last night,
Was cool and breezy
Your hands were warm
And your fingers moved
And grabbed and scratched
As if to summon
Those happy roving ghosts
From many moons ago

All the private rooms,
Were taken last night

While the naked moon
Mocked our clothed bodies
Our tongues on the terrace
Didn’t give a damn

They spoke with utter
The language of lovers
Who crossed rivers
And saw visions
Drowned and died
Lost all sanity,
And cried in joy

Our ambitions however, weren’t so lofty
Our intentions were carnal beyond repair
We liked playing sexy, and we played endlessly

“Somewhere, they say
She is churning the universe
Or weaving it’s fabric
Or lighting the fire
In the middle of sky
To cook up a world of pleasure”

“Enough of these
Cosmic platitudes
And useless ghosts
Stop the chase
And taste it now”

You craned back
And looked at the sky
I crawled under
And took a deep dive

I woke up feeling
Salty and sticky
The taste you left
On my tongue last night
Had spread to the rest
Of my body


clothesline on trrace

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